by cmshomes | Jan 22, 2018 | Build Anywhere, Build Anywhere Case Study
Build Anywhere Case Study In this case study, we feature a beautiful craftsman-style home with incredible views of a 220-acre lake. How the Custom Build Began These customers came to us with a home plan drawn by a local home designer. (See CMS Homes Build...
by cmshomes | Jan 22, 2018 | Build Anywhere Case Study
Build Anywhere New Home Design Options CMS Custom Home Design/Build project in Lake St. Louis MO. Contact us to learn more 4 Custom Homes options 1. Bring your own plan designed by your Architect or New Home Designer 2. Use one of CMS Homes’ new home designs at...
by cmshomes | Jan 3, 2018 | Build Anywhere Case Study, Custom Home Building 101
Build Anywhere Case Study Here is a new home and outbuilding we built for a customer on the east side of Lincoln County. The customer owned a 3 acre lot in a 3 acre lot development and wanted to build a home and outbuilding. They found our Easy Build program a great...