Building New Homes: 5 Reasons We Love What We Do!
Reason 1
Sitting down and understanding the way people want to live their lives inside their homes and then turning that into reality for them with boards and bricks gives us a feeling that we have added to someone’s life.
Home building is not boring! Building a home is like a life journey. It has its highs and lows. Working with nature’s environment and materials and trying to make something perfect out of imperfect items is a hard but rewarding challenge.
Reason 2
Being part of a winning team. If you have ever experienced being part of a team, band, choir or any type of group working for a common goal then you know the feeling that each team member gets by unselfishly working together for that goal. Our team including our sales staff, builder, sub contractors, suppliers, accounting and customer care staff all take pride in a finished home and satisfied home owner. There is a part of all of us in every home
Reason 3
The look on the home owner’s face when they do their final walk through. Knowing that we have walked with them through their home building journey, helping them through the low points and celebrating with them through the high points. We have cried with home owners and we have done the happy dance with home owners. It’s so rewarding to experience life with them through that time.
Reason 4
We live in the same community we work. We go to the same schools, stores and churches that our customers do. When we see one of our home owners in the grocery store or at school we feel a special connection with them. The people who built their car or their couch don’t get the same satisfaction of knowing their customers.
Reason 5
The look on the home owner’s face when they do their final walk through. Knowing that we have walked with them through their home building journey, helping them through the low points and celebrating with them through the high points. We have cried with home owners and we have done the happy dance with home owners. It’s so rewarding to experience life with them through that time.