Easy Build Program for Building on Your Own Lot or Land
No Construction Loan Needed
To build on your land with CMS Homes, you start with a deposit equal to 10% of the home and lot cost and we provide the construction loan.
If you already own your lot, you will deed the lot to CMS Homes and use any lot equity (lot value minus loan payoff) as part of your 10% deposit.
If you don’t own the lot or land, then CMS Homes, LLC, will purchase the lot or land on your behalf.
Program Requirements
The lot payoff can not exceed the deposit. If you already own your lot and there is a large loan payoff, CMS Homes will pay off that loan when title is conveyed. Your deposit must equal or exceed the amount of that payoff.
We also need a satisfactory pre-construction appraisal of the lot and house and a lender’s commitment for your final loan financing when your home is complete.
Any “Easy Build” new home deal is predicated on construction lender approval.
Contact Us Today Without Obligation
It really is easy! It’s just like buying a move-in ready house. You let us handle the details upfront and then you buy the home and land as one at closing.
For more information, call 636-462-3500 or contact us today.